

Traditional and natural!

Mini dairy Veronika d.o.o. is located in the far northwest of Hrvatski Zagorje, in the small town of Desinić. The area of ​​Desinić has always been known for the Veliki Tabor castle and the old legend of Veronika Desinić. Inspired by this legend, we named the dairy Veronika.

Mini dairy Veronika began its work in 2000 as the first and still the only dairy in the Krapina-Zagorje County. Today, with 150 employees and a daily processing of 20,000 liters of milk, Mini dairy Veronika is the main economic engine of the municipality of Desinić and its wider surroundings.

At the end of 2015, a new modern production facility was built, completing a multi-year investment cycle for the technical and technological modernization of the milk processing plant.

Veronika d.o.o.
Put Matije Gupca 5, 49216 Desinić


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