
Salted Anchovy Fillets

€ 3,90
incl. 10%-VAT (=€ 0,35)
75 g (52,00€ per kg)

plus shipping costs

The ARBA SOL line combines semi-processed and final products resulting from salting and filleting small pelagic fish from the Adriatic Sea in the production facility “Arbacommerce”. These salted anchovies are prepared with great attention to every detail, they are carefully cleaned and rinsed from the salt, dried and packed in a very attractive packaging that does not hide the product but shows the fillets in all its beauty. A masterpiece of both taste and beauty!

Currently, we ship to addresses in member states of the EU. We offer free shipping from an amount of 100€ per shipping in Austria (200€ in Germany).
Free home delivery within Vienna is possible with an invoiced value of goods of 75€ and more.

Matches with



Our fisherman use purse seiners, using lights at night to gather the fish. After being caught the fish is removed from the sea and stored alive in tanks containing a mixture of cold sea water and ice, to achieve the “shock“ effect. Fish treated in this manner retains its freshness longer.

Read more of  Arbacommerce

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