Sirana Stone

Siat - hard sheep cheese

€ 13,20
incl. 10%-VAT (=€ 1,20)
300 g (44,00€ per kg)

plus shipping costs

Käse aus eigener Schafzucht

5.5 to 6 liters of sheep's milk are used per kilogram of cheese. The milk is completely natural, without antibiotics, is freshly processed and therefore not pasteurized!

This hard sheep's cheese matures between 60 days and 6 months, which further increases its special quality.

The Blaić family's “Stone” cheese dairy produces cheese from its own sheep farm. The herd currently consists of 550 native Dalmatian Pramenka sheep. The pasture area is 93ha.

Eigene Schafzucht
Käse aus eigener Schafzucht - Silbermedaille

The "Stone" dairy has a capacity of two to three tons per year and in 2019 received the Sunflower for Rural Development of Croatia as a special award.

In 2018 their cheese was awarded a silver medal at the 10th Cheese Festival in Drniš.

Currently, we ship to addresses in member states of the EU. We offer free shipping from an amount of 100€ per shipping in Austria (200€ in Germany).
Free home delivery within Vienna is possible with an invoiced value of goods of 75€ and more.

Matches with


Sirana Stone

The “Sirana Stone” cheese dairy from Nunić produces its cheese from raw, unpasteurized sheep's milk from raw, unpasteurized sheep's milk. The production is purely ecological. Your Pramenka sheep have 93 hectares of pasture available.

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