The perfect shape and the secret of our lasagna, rolled pasta (tagliatelle) folded and intertwined in skeins (“matasse”) lie in the fact that the dough is not pressed through moulds. Instead, it is made using the roller – the same method used for making homemade pasta, i.e. by hand.The pasta drying procedure is quite long and slow so that the flour and fresh eggs may retain their nutritional value. Such a manufacturing method endows our pasta with a rough and porous surface, and this is what makes a true foodie relish its combination with various sauces. For coloring Sepia is used. Sepia is a brown to grayish-black dye that is extracted from the ink bag of squid.
KlaraM noodles are not pressed into molds, thus ensuring a higher quality of the pasta dough. The rolling gives the noodles a permeability, and at the same time they keep their nutritional value. With truffle oil or butter and fresh sage a very special pleasure!
The tagliatelle are dried and will therefore be transported without the need of cooling. Just cook them in slightly salted water according to the packaging information.

Currently, we ship to addresses in member states of the EU. We offer free shipping from an amount of 100€ per shipping in Austria (200€ in Germany).
Free home delivery within Vienna is possible with an invoiced value of goods of 75€ and more.