Mattina Croatia - Bol

Mattina Croatia - Bol

Mislav Ante Jurenić harvests his olives by hand. He only harvests healthy and undamaged olives and only if they have reached their optimum maturity and haven't sprinkled for at least 7 days. Some of its approximately 2,000 olive trees are over 200 years old.

They are placed in a brine of sea salt within 6 hours of harvesting. The entire process of lactic acid fermentation is closely monitored and hygiene is put to the utmost, so that the quality of the fruits does not suffer.

In February 2013, Mislav Ante Jurenić won the prestigious Povenjak competition for imported olives with an exceptionally high score of 4.79 points (second place was 3.79 points) with his olives from the island of Brač.

Mislav Ante Jurenić, Gornji Humac auf der Insel Brač


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